
Friday 30 September 2011

10,000 Page views!

We've just hit the 10,000 page views mark this morning so a big thank you to all our readers. 

When we started in April, 10,000 seemed unreachable especially after the first month's meagre tally of 111. But with films of the calibre of Bare Behind Bars and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension we have managed to climb up to these five digit giddy heights.

If you have any comments about what you like/don't like or what you'd like to see us do (please don't suggest that we review any really bad films; I feel traumatized enough already after the aforementioned delights) feel free to comment here, contact us on Facebook or Twitter or email us (find contact details in the About Us section). 

To celebrate, have a lovely new background. We just keep on giving.

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