
Saturday 21 April 2012

Feature - The First Year of obscurendure.

A year ago today, Doccortex and I sat down in front of my computer and entered the mysterious world of blogging. With minimal knowledge we just gave it a go. At the beginning of the year we would have been happy if even one person had looked at obscurendure and actually read it.

I can remember, in the initial weeks, looking at the statistics on Blogger and giggling inanely every time there was a hit in a new country. It was like a blogging version of Risk. At one point the country that we had the 2nd most number of pageviews from, was Iran. Strange. It's all settled down now, with America at number one and the UK at number two. Another strange fact is that, although we have never explicitly stated that we live anywhere near Sheffield, the place we get the most hits from in the UK is Sheffield. Perhaps there is an automatic South Yorkshire recognition factor.

I don't know what kind of website Google thinks we run but their choice of adverts that complement our output is slightly worrying. First there was for all of you out there who want a lovely asian bride. Since then we've also had, Asiamatch and my favourite, Who do they think we are? Human traffickers? Okay, we had one run in with the courts, but that case was thrown out. On a minor technicality. 

One day I was looking at who refers people to our site: Google, Facebook, Twitter, sickfetishphonesex. What!?! Again, what sort of site do they think it is? I daren't even visit that site to see where the link is for fear of repercussions. Well, maybe just the once...

The hardest moment of this first year was definitely the review marathon of Celluloid Screams. Getting 14 reviews and other features out there in a couple of days was rather tiring. Let's face facts, I'll do it again this year. It can't have been too bad.

Most humourous moment? The absurd number of pageviews that the intermission Dinner Party Tips got just before Christmas. I can imagine people looking for some great swanky ideas for their parties and getting to a page that's all about top seventies finger food. There was probably a bit of swearing on their behalf.

The three top moments of the year have been: being emailed a short film to review, getting our first follower (Chris from movies and songs 365) and receiving our first comment, from The Saw Lady no less. Actually getting a comment from someone who has worked on one of the films reviewed caused some major geeking out.

It will be interesting to see where we are in another year's time. All that needs to be said is a big thank you to you, dear reader, for taking the time to read our deranged ramblings. If you have any suggestions, comments or there's a specific film that you want us to review then send us an email or pop a comment at the end of this feature. We've got some good (?) stuff planned for this year (and next!) so there's plenty to look forward to.

As a treat for you, I'll be posting a special interview with The Saw Lady later today! There will be the final instalment in our Mark Dacascos Season tomorrow and finally, Doccortex has painstakingly compiled a year of quotations which will be posted on Monday. Yes, I am the Ambassador. I spoil you.



  1. Happy Birthday to Obscurendure! Where would we get our obscure film action without it. Like the new background image and Filipiniocupid looks quite classy compared to your usual ads.

  2. Just seen the actual Filipinocupid advert and I take it all back. Sleazy rather than classy.
